Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Fragrance Garden, Shakespeare Garden+, 2018

The High Line
Wildflower Field, Hudson Overlook+, 2019

Edsel Eleanor Ford House
Rose Garden, Display Gardens, Vegetable Garden, Cutting Garden+, 2020+

Whitney Mansion, 2022+

Horticulture Certificate
, 2019
Certified Pesticide Applicator, 2021

Applying elements of learning is important to each garden and planter. By expanding our knowledge, we can discover attachments and values that inspire us to better care for our environment. Our favorite designs have exhibited evening fragrant flowers and textured foliage to encourage touch and discovery. As a lover of insects, animals and plants life, incorporating species native to our region is important to us. Upon request, we will happily provide plant lists with our garden designs; these detail the plants native range, plant family and date planted.

We offer many services in the garden,

including planter and garden design (for individuals and businesses),
weekly horticultural maintenance,
watering, +.

for gardening inquiries, please email